Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Future of BMW E28s

I must start by saying that I recognize my opinion is null among a sea of other fans with longer experience, bigger pocketbooks, and certainly a lot more knowledge. Regardless I state to you now that E28's are only going to keep growing, rather quickly in value over the coming years.

Yes, i own one, and perhaps it may not see the value others will, I am pleased that the beauty in 80s boxy German cars is coming full circle. Just check this link:

Haggerty E28 M5

The beautiful machines that I share a love for have been growing in value rather quickly as of late. It makes me see that chasing the true big kahuna of the E28ss (the M5) is now. But where can I find one before they take the unreasonable leap that others such as Porsche 911s have made? I suppose it is time I move on from the Pnda and find its bigger sibling fast. I blame Chris Harris and Stance Works for this, you have made my dreams more difficult to reach...

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

mmm Refurbishing those wheels.

 I took the time to go ahead and refurbish the rest of my wheels. 34 bolts a piece, 5 rounds of sanding, a few polishing and cleaning all takes a bit of time, but I am content with the results. Now I need some new tires...

 I started with steel wool to remove corrosion veins and gunk on surface,

I then sanded with 400 Grit...

800 Grit

1000 Grit

Wet sanded with 2000 grit

Polished with Mothers a few times

Cleaned with some glass cleaner the residue...

And pieced them all back togethor.